Exterior photo of The Graduate School building.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I apply for a Graduate, Teaching or Doctoral Assistantship?
    If you have not yet applied for admission, you will have the opportunity to indicate interest in being considered for an assistantship while filling out your application for admission to your academic program of choice. Indicating interest in this way will place you on the list of interested students for the semester for which you are applying for admission. If you are a current student and would like to be considered for an assistantship, you must e-mail your first and last name, CWID, and the semester that you would like to be considered for an assistantship to gradschool@ywt99.com. You may only request placement on the list for one semester at a time.
  2. I indicated interest in an assistantship. Does that mean I automatically get one?
    No, assistantship positions are highly competitive. Each department evaluates the students who have indicated interest in being considered for a position, and engages in a hiring process from there. If a department is interested in meeting with you regarding an available position, they will contact you directly. For Fall positions, departments can hire assistants any time from March through July. For Spring positions, departments can hire assistants any time from October through January. Hiring outside of these time frames occurs occasionally, in order to fill vacancies as necessary.
  3. Are there honors or a Dean’s list for graduate students?
    No. However, Montclair State University is host to a chapter of Alpha Epsilon Lambda, which is the national honor society for graduate and professional students. Invitations to join AEL are e-mailed to eligible students after each fall and spring semester. Please visit the AEL website for additional details.
  4. Does The Graduate School offer any funding for conference travel or student research?
    Yes. The Graduate School offers modest funding to graduate students in the form of our Student Research & Conference Travel Fund Awards over the course of the academic year. Awards are based on available funding, and funding tends to be exhausted very quickly each semester. In order to optimize your chances of receiving an award, it is recommended that you submit your application as early as possible. We begin accepting applications for Fall research or conference activity on June 1, and Spring activity on November 1. Applications must be submitted a minimum of one month prior to the scheduled conference or travel. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
  5. I am working on my doctoral dissertation. What do I need to know?
    Doctoral students in dissertation phase should be aware of many specific policies and procedures. It is important to visit the Doctoral Students portion of our website and to become familiar with the policies, procedures, and forms outlined therein.
  6. I have been appointed to an assistantship, but have some questions… The Current Graduate Assistants website offers information for students who currently hold an assistantship. Here you will find general information as well as a list of FAQs specifically for current assistants.
  7. When is the thesis deadline?
    The completed thesis is due 2 weeks before your graduation date. Two copies are required to be submitted to The Graduate School. Please read the Thesis Procedural Manual for information on formatting and paper requirement.
  8. I was accepted as a deferred/conditional student. How do I reclassify to a fully admitted student?
    If you have completed your conditions stated in your acceptance letter, you can petition for reclassification by filling out the online form. http://gradschool.ywt99.com/gradweb/forms/reclassification.php
  9. I am trying to register for a course and NEST is saying that I have exceeded the credit limit. How do I register for this extra class?
    You need to fill out the Graduate Course Overload Application.
    Your adviser and department chair need to sign it first before coming to The Graduate School for approval. Once approved, it will be forwarded to The Office of the Registrar for processing.